14 April 2008

Germany's X-Factor

Germany's X-Factor is called 'Deutschland sucht den Superstar' or DSDS for short.

I've been hooked on it for some time now. It's much more entertaining than the UK equivalent.

For a start, the regional selection round found every madman/woman and his/her dog wailing in their bid for super pop stardom. The characters were so outlandish it was hilarious. My favourite, was the guy who looked like a cross between Captain Spock and a bosseyed Yoda. He wore his best shirt for the audition, a bright orange Hawaiian beauty, and murmured the most ridiculous ditty.

Whereas Simon Cowell would have stomped off in a rage, Dieter Bohlen (pronounced 'Bullen'), the German equivalent, chuckled along with the million-plus viewers.

Sure, Bohlen also looks like a sour grape, but he is infinitely more likeable than the arsey Cowell. His comments are succinct and he is often very funny with it too.

Now into the finals, Bohlen is really giving the final 8 or so competitors what for. Last week he lifted another humdinger of a critique out of the can. One which had my English mates tickled once I'd translated. One of the girls sang a bland rendition of some pop song - the details are irrelevant and Bohlen said:

'Your performance was... dildoesque.' He went on to explain: 'Yes, technically perfect, but lacking all emotion.'

The entertainment value of this show is clear, my Enlgish mates hardly understand a word of German, but they lapped it all up with as much relish as the Bier.

Picture: Mario Teusch - hopeful from the first Casting Show

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