13 May 2008

Awesome military might

Red Square, Russia, 09 May 2008

The Russians celebrated the 63rd anniversary of their victory over Nazi Germany with style.

What could be more rousing than a good honest military parade on Red Square? At last, Put-in had put-away enough money in his piggy bank to afford a big hootenanny for his patriotic followers. Forget spending anything on the decrepit schools and hospitals!

Did you see the pictures? By Jove, it was heartening to see the Russians flex their military muscle. No beating around the bush, like those sneaky Yanks. Check out the BBC video here.

Hold on a minute though. Is it just me, or do those jeeps look a trifle dated? Sure they've been done-up a bit, but I've seen more lethal jeeps on my way to the local supermarket in Nottingham. And those tanks? I know the T-34 was one of the deadliest fighting machines of the Second World War, but come on, they're a little bit past it now aren't they?

I feel sorry for the Russians who wanted to paint the garden fence or the garage over the weekend. There must have been a shortage of dark green paint in the D.I.Y shops!

Seriously, I'm sure the Putin had quite a hefty bill from the cleaners. All that dusting off of 17-year-old-plus hardware.

Do military museums exist in Russia? If so, I suppose all they had left to show were a couple of pick axes (donated by retired assassins) and a sharp spade or two. Everything else was in the parade!

And what about those whopping great missiles, probably longer than a London bendy bus? One gets the feeling, that Medvedev et al. are compensating for something.

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